Posts Tagged ‘The beginning of a relationship’


Boyfriend material

December 6, 2008

These last weeks has been quite strange. I have hung out with F a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot. We have gone to the movies, the theatre, we have eaten out, at home, watched Flight of the Concords, the office, funny games us and much other stuff. Every time, I have slept over at his place. In his bed. Next to the wall. With him. And nothing has happened. Until yesterday night. He took me to a really cosy French restaurant after we had watched a play, which by the way was absolutely awesome. A piece after a book of the Norwegian writer Knut Hamsun who also got the Nobel Price of litterature. Anyway, we went home to him. Played scrabble. I won, as usual and I was actually very tired so we hit the sac. But as usual when we sleep together, we could not fall asleep. We had a pillow fight, talked a lot of nonsense and stared at each other for hours. 

After a while, he asked me what I was thinking about and I told him that I thought about the guy who plays Hayden Panettiere in Bring It On All Or Nothing, because I were so happy and I thought I had the same dorky smile. Then I said that usually, it’s the girl who asks that question and I asked him the same. He did not answer. I asked if it was serious. He remained silent and I said that if he wanted, I could just leave it. Aftera few more minutes, I had nearly fallen asleep, basically he told me that he was in love with me but that it did not need to change anything and that he would just keep ignoring his feelings. Hearing that from the the boy I have been into for months sat me a little out and I took a deep breath. A pause. And I told him that I felt the same way about him. And we kissed. And it was great. The passion of two people who has been into each other for a long time, but who never has done anything about it and the experience of something new.

So I guess I have a boyfriend now.

Love Mandy

Ps. For those who wonder, first base only. But it’s cool. I am so wonderfully happy 😀


Goofing around

October 20, 2008

Once again I was invited to co-worker’s apartment. He made we a wonderful meal. I am not just saying it to be nice, it was really great. We talked a lot and he is just extraordinary. Then, I kind of planed to make my move, he asked me if I wanted to watch a movie. I said sure and he started the grossest film I have ever seen. It is made by an Italian and it is called something like 120 days in sodora, I do not really remember the name. Anyway, if you are familiar with the saw-films, I can tell you that this one was 100 times worse: men and women being sexually abused, tortured and forced to eat crap. I kind of agreed to watch it and I sort of knew what it was about, but I had no idea it would be so bad. I mean, the plot reminded me of Battle Royale, only in Battle Royale the horrors has a purpose. Here it was completely random and insane. Needless to say, a movie like this does NOT make you want to make a move.

When it was finished, we discovered that it was 02.30 in the morning. Once again I slept in his bed. He made me breakfast in the morning and absolutely nothing happened. The next evening we goofed around at work. And the evening after that as well.

I really like this guy…

Love Mandy


The other

October 5, 2008

My friendship with co-worker has reached the point where we have opened up to the other about our love-life situation. And guess what. He has been in love with a girl for 3 years. We were talking about a journalist our age who writes for a journal we both like. He told me he had met the journalist trough a girl he “had been in love with” for 3 years. To this information he added: “I think we have kind of the same problem.” I have earlier briefly mentioned my ended relationship with boy to him and that I now have cut off all contact with him. And I guess I said something about doing quite fine even if I maybe shouldn’t. That probably explains co-worker’s last statement even though it isn’t really a problem anymore. Boy is history and I am actually quite fine with it.

Anyway, this probably means that he still is on love with her and in that case, it would be stupid for me to make a move. A part of me is realised because now, I do not need to get myself together and kiss him, but the other part is, I hate to admit it, jealous. Co-worker explained me what he is reading in philosophy (that is what he is studying at the university) and I couldn’t help but thinking that the girl he is in love with must be someone extraordinary simply because he is such a great, cool, interesting and handsome person. I consider myself as a good girl and someone easy to be in a relationship with, but I may be a little afraid of not being able to compete with a person like that. It is also possible that I make up this perfect version of her in my head, something which is quite easy since I don’t know her at all.

On the other hand, there is a small possibility that he is no longer in love, or that he is heartbroken. I do not know how that is any better though. Maybe it isn’t. One thing is at least sure: now I really don’t know what to do!

Love Mandy 

PS. School and work is killing me. It cannot go on like this. I cannot study 8 hours a day and then work 7 hours in the evening/ at night. Just had to get that out. Most likely, I will just continue working my butt off.


Angel on earth

July 7, 2008

Last night we went to bed at the same time. He was supposed to sleep on the coach, but after a while he joined me in my bed. Insecure at first, as he was exploring new territory. Without giving you the details, he got on top after a little cuddling. It was nice. Women need to feel close to their man and it was just as intimate I prefer it.

Right now we are sitting on the coach. He has his head on my stomach and he is sleeping while I work on my laptop. I like the tough of a male again. Just laying on the bed with his head between my breasts. I had almost forgot how a caress fast can turn into tickling because men sometimes are a bit clumsy. The good thing is that he is not that messy and the most important: he does not play computer games at all. He think they are boring, which means that we have a lot of time to spend together just doing nothing. I love the beginning of a relationship when you cannot get enough of the other and you want to spend every single second of every day together. He is almost perfect.

Finally. It took a while to repair this broken heart, but now, chances are I have a new man in my life. His name is Raphael and a quick search on wikipedia told me that he might be named after an angel with healing powers, which I could need. 


Isn’t he cute? Yeah, the photo is fussy, but try to take a picture of your chest while you are sitting with a chinchilla on yourself. Not the easiest situation… Raphael himself, the one and only 🙂

Love Mandy