Posts Tagged ‘Moving in together’


Love nest

May 5, 2009

F and I have moved in together. We got an awesome apartment for rent. The former renter was a guy from Belgium and he is pretty much the reason why we got it. He liked us and apparently, he was the one deciding who were moving in, so lucky with that one. A really good friend of mine helped us with moving everything from my and his place to the apartment. We even went to IKEA to buy some furniture.

It is awesome. We have one bedroom, one living room, one bathroom and a kitcken, plus a little entry hall. It is great to have our own place. I feel like I have these huge responsibilities and I love it. I have found out how you use a Black & Decker, and that is something big because I never thought I had a practical sense. Turns out I have it after all 😛

Love Mandy



April 16, 2009

It’s really serious. F and I are moving in together. We are going to see two potential apartments for rent tomorrow after my exam. Yes, coz I’ve an exam tomorrow. It’s a French option for law students so it shouldn’t be any trouble. What is trouble thought is my real 2nd yr law school exam in about one and a half month!

Anyhow I’ll just keep bloging. I mean, between the reading, I’ll always get some time to post.

Over to more interesting things, the sex with F is really starting to be good. It might be the fact that I am in a good place right now, but I also think it is because we have done it a lot. Let me explain. In Hot Sex by Tracey Cox, she points out that practice is the key to turn good sex into great sex. I really think that’s true. I mean sure it isn’t mind blowing every time. Like last night, it was only cosy and I didn’t exactly come, but that’s okay because the time before that, we did it on the sink and it really was mind blowing. To sum up, the more we sleep together, the better it becomes. Cheers!

Love Mandy