Posts Tagged ‘Drunk’


He is just soooo gorgeous!!

September 15, 2008

Oh yeah, I did it again! I might have told you about the dance on last friday, well, long story short, I was drunk. Bottom line, me and my roomie thinks the same guy is superhot(which he is btw, really really gorgeous!). Well, to my story, this was the night of ultimate hook up and being shitfaced! Me, as I am usually not an exeption, was drunk too(not shitfaced, it didn’t get that far, I was too busy!!), well, we had this preparty, and ofcourse(well, let’s call him the german boy) the german boy was there, we hang with the same people so there wasn’t any big deal! Me and my roomie got drunk, as I have allready told ya, and he got more and more interested in talking to us, BOTH of us.. Confusing, well, as the girls we are we went to have a pep-talk in the restrooms. Topic? Which one of us should go for him, and which one of us does he want? We decided, as the idiots we are when drunk that he decides, I said, no bad feelings if he choose you, and she almost said the same thing back! Have you guess the outcome of this story yet? Well, off we go down to the real party, all 100+ of us! Packed auditorium, loads of people, loud music and cheap wine and beer. We danced, he danced, with us, with me, with her, and with me, then he kissed me! In my head: “SHIT, FUCK, SHIT, Oh god he is so hooooot!!!” Even longer story short, I went with him to his room, turned out he’s not just gorgeous, but he is so nice as well, problem now: kinda have some butterflies in my stomach whenever I see him, and hoping to see him wherever I go, I feel like I’m in this really bad soap-opera, cause everywhere I go, I meet him! Fancy that(does that EVER happen in real life??) We make eye-contact, a little flirting but nothing more, I really want something more, does anyone wanna give me some input on this one? I have no idea, I feel lost in my own little fantazy and I have no idea what to do except wait and flirt! HELP me!!!

Kiss kiss kiss (yes I wanna kiss him again!)


(btw, I just feel this is the most unmature post I have written in ages, I feel though, like I am 14 right now, and had a little hope in my mind that would go away as I grew older, but now it’s here again, even at my age!)



August 22, 2008

I’m drunk. I have just finished two bottles of wine with my sister and my friend who is living with me. It is quite fun to have a girls night. Anyway, it is just to say that I think that I am over Boy. I haven’t even wanted to drunk dial him once. And I think that is quote an achievement coz mmaaan, I am drunk… heheheee on the other hand, I want to call my co-worker coz he is nice. And the fact that he is smart kind of turns me on 🙂 I am surprised that I managed to make the links to “co-worker” and “boy”, I am almost proud

Btw, Betty is in the USA at the moment… I miss you! Wish you were here! And being drunk makes me want to make out with u.

Loooove Mandy