Posts Tagged ‘“I love you”’


The L-word

December 28, 2008

So… It has been said. One night. We were wrapped up in each others’ arms. We were kissing and he said it.

“I love you”

Three little words. Just like that. So easy. Natural.

I guess I looked a little surprised because he repeated it. Smiled and hugged me. A lot of things went through my head. I do not have issues with these words. Not anymore. Everything felt right. I want it so bad. Yet, it was maybe too soon. Aren’t there rules for this? According to some religious and cultural rules, we shouldn’t even be doing what we were doing, so I decided to screw the rules. Normal is the watchword.

“I love you too”

There. It’s said. I’m vulnerable again.

Love Mandy


If a girl…

September 6, 2008

…asks you to give her a reason to stay, it means two things:

1. The obvious: she wants to hear the three little words “I love you” and she wants them to be true.

2. She is willing to change a part of her life for you which means that she, at this precise moment, thinks that you might be the one. She only needs some sort of confirmation because she is a person with selfesteem.

Love Mandy