Posts Tagged ‘Exploring fantasies…’


Doin’ da Girl

June 16, 2008

I don’t think I have met one of my friends who has not fantasized about sleeping with another woman. It has gone on for centuries, but I remember that when I was in my early teens, the medias brought up this subject like it was something new and chocking. For those who hasn’t got it yet, I hate to break it down: this is not exactly news.

Why does women fanasize about being with another woman?

First of all, it is pretty much accepted in society. It is OK to for two women to experimente with each other. For men on the other hand, it still is more taboo. Women and the female body is, even though we would like to think otherwise, still used in a sensual way in the medias to for example sell toothpaste, cars, shower-gel, hardware or food. In a way, we are forced to see the female body as not only an object, but a pretty attractive one. We could therefore say that it is quite common for women to look at each other and feel attracted to one and other.

Second, women are generally more attractive than men. Don’t get me wrong. Men sure are attractive, but there are different kinds of beauty. Women are sensual and feminine. They generaly take care of themselves and value themselves more than men do. I guess it is the difference, the excitement of something new, but at the same time familiar that is really the issue. Kissing a man is sexy. Kissing a woman is sensual. It isn’t quite the same thing, but that really is the thrill.

Third, even though the media to a certain level encourages girl on girl action, the excitement of being with a woman is also based on the feeling of doing something unorthodox. Maybe this does not reflect reality, but I like to think I am doing something “wrong” when I am with a girl. Good girls aren’t supposed to sleep with each other and even less enjoy it. Even though it certainly is more accepted than ever, I still would like to think I am breaking a taboo being with a girl. What is forbidden is exciting.

Forth, women knows how to satisfy another woman, simply because we share pretty much of the same anatomy. We both love spending hours on foreplay and don’t pass out after the first orgasm, leaving the other unsatisfied. In my experience, women are more thoughtful in bed than men when it comes to this. If our partner, woman or man, has not come yet, we don’t give in just because our own needs are filled. I would not like to generalize this statement, but this is my impression all over. Take it for what it is worth.


After Boy broke up with me, I have done some sleeping around. Not much though. Actually just one f*** and one kind of walk-in-the-park-date with a guy that I know would like to go out with me. Most likely, he is serious. Anyway, I am not ready for a relationship. Actually, I am fantasizing about sleeping with a girl. I have already kissed one and sort of fooled around. Nothing really exciting though. I won’t say more, but it may be realised pretty soon. More to come 😛

Love Mandy


2 + 1 = 3

April 18, 2008

About one year ago, I discovered that my boyfriend would like to sleep with me and another girl at the same time. As I have always fantasised about sleeping with a girl, I didn’t freak, but I thought it could be fun. Some months ago, Betty and I were talking about sleeping with two people at the same time or having a threesome. One thing lead to another, and we sort of agreed to try. My boyfriend has several times tried to realise it, but it has never really been a good timing so when we told him, he didn’t believe us.


Only to consider having sex with another person who is not a part of our couple, is it really a good idea? Can I watch my boyfriend sleep with another girl and not have a nervous jealousy breakdown? Is it possible to separate feelings and sex and just f***?

I am not really the jealous type, but this is nevertheless something so extreme that it might be difficult. What I think is the most important is that I trust both Betty and my boyfriend. We have decided several rules and stop signs which has to be followed. When it comes to the jealousy part, I do not see a threesome as making love. It is rather realising a fantasy which is pure sexual and has nothing to do with feelings. I know this can be easy for me to say before we actually have done it, but we have already done stuff the three of us, even though we haven’t gone that far. The things we did, just kissing and touching, went pretty well. No nervous breakdown or hard feelings. No awkward silence around the breakfast table the morning after. It was just fine. I just have to underline that we aren’t doing this because we want to save or freshen up our relationship. There is nothing to save or fresh up and everything is going great. It think it is a complete must to be in a healthy and strong relationship to be able to go through something like this. Let’s hope we haven’t misjudged our strength.


Love Mandy



I want your girlfriend to be mine

April 3, 2008

Sometimes I find myself thinking that relationships would be so much easier if I liked girls instead of boys. I mean, boys are quite different from girls (no kidding :P). Except the obvious differences, I wonder how it would be to have a girlfriend. When it comes to communicating and living together, I think a girl could be easier to live with than a boy. We are more likely to share on the cleaning part. We do not forget birthdays or couples anniversaries. We have many interesting discussion subjects and common interests. A girl would never say no to sex because there is a soccer-match on TV or because she will play wow.  In bed, there are one big backside: the penis-issue, as girls don’t have one. Nevertheless, there are a lot of other things you can do in the bedroom. Generally, girls make more sounds in bed, which I find really exciting. Girls knows exactly how to satisfy another girl because we have the same body and get turned on by many of the same things. We share fantasies and just know what the other one is thinking. A girl is also more persistent than a boy since she can keep it going for hours. Finally, it could be quite cool being with a girl. I wonder who I could hit on… Betty? 😀

Love Mandy