Posts Tagged ‘School’



April 16, 2009

It’s really serious. F and I are moving in together. We are going to see two potential apartments for rent tomorrow after my exam. Yes, coz I’ve an exam tomorrow. It’s a French option for law students so it shouldn’t be any trouble. What is trouble thought is my real 2nd yr law school exam in about one and a half month!

Anyhow I’ll just keep bloging. I mean, between the reading, I’ll always get some time to post.

Over to more interesting things, the sex with F is really starting to be good. It might be the fact that I am in a good place right now, but I also think it is because we have done it a lot. Let me explain. In Hot Sex by Tracey Cox, she points out that practice is the key to turn good sex into great sex. I really think that’s true. I mean sure it isn’t mind blowing every time. Like last night, it was only cosy and I didn’t exactly come, but that’s okay because the time before that, we did it on the sink and it really was mind blowing. To sum up, the more we sleep together, the better it becomes. Cheers!

Love Mandy


Forever friends?

September 10, 2008

Things are slowly evolving with my co-worker. At least I think they are. He has invited me over at his place tomorrow for late dinner and a movie. I finish school quite late. He also asked me which perfume I use and complimented it. Either he is gay (which I know i not the case), or he was flirting. Anyway, this time I have decided that I will not analyse the situation and try to find out weather it is a date or not. I will assume it is just a friend thing. On the other hand, he is going to cook for me! Arghh… I am so screwed…

Love Mandy


I almost forgot.. I have a blog!

September 2, 2008

School is killing me. Work is killing me. It has come to the point where I spend 98 % of my time at work and at the library. This is absolutely not to rant about my pathetic issues since I know many of us are in the same situation. The curriculum is huge… but I tend to be quite hardcore, so I’ll manage. I just want to point out that I’ve got nothing to say and even less time to work on my personal life. All I can say is that I really look forward to hear about Betty’s adventures in the US. Oh yes, I almost forgot, my roommate and I are planning to go to a gay bar, just to try it out. We have spoken of it and I get more end more sure that almost every girl I know fantasise about being with another girl. Smooth.

A few updates on co-worker: we are going out to eat crepes (french pancakes) and drink cider. Then, we will watch a film. We have plenty we haven’t seen yet and since we both enjoy being film geeks… I think we will actually see it at his place (yes, he has his own flat). I do not know when we are going, but it will probably be in the near future. The only backside is that I have to go through the “oh-my-god-is-it-a-date?!?-hell” again.

Love Mandy